Steamboat Trip

Last week Scott and I went home to Steamboat to see family and enjoy a Colorado mountain get-away. I'll break up the report into a few posts because I took so many photos. This post features images from a morning hike I took with my sister, Dana on the first day in town. Scott fly-fished 100% of the time so he will be suspiciously absent from most of my posts.

We hiked toward Crystal Peak, above. It was the second time we headed up this mountain but didn't reach the top. It's far, and on this particular hike we had no intention of going the distance. We picked at ate raspberries, serviceberries, and thimbleberries until we were stuffed. Our hands glowed red with berry juice as we lumbered through bear county, stepping over bear poop filled with berries. 

And we saw plenty of bear territory marks on the trees. On our last hike up this trail we came upon a baby bear with no mommy in sight. We ran like hell.

The view back down the valley.

Most of the path lead through aspen forests with fern ground cover, and many of the aspens are some of biggest I've seen.

There were plenty of this kind of butterfly bobbing along with us. To our delight we saw no bears.


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